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  • MC Shtil

    0 0%
  • Sardon

    2 100.00%
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Thread: MC Shtil vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

  1. #1
    Let. Him. Cook! MC Shtil's Avatar
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    MC Shtil vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    32 lines
    Until Monday
    No biting, stealing and other FL rules
    Let’s go!

  2. #2
    Let. Him. Cook! MC Shtil's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    @Sardon , should we extend the deadline or cancel the battle? Because today is the final day and you haven’t even checked

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! John Noir's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    You wack fucking faggot
    Make Front Lines Great Again
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  4. #4
    Let. Him. Cook! MC Shtil's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    Boy, if you want to battle me, just pm. Why the f are you doing this shit in a battle thread?

    And yo, you have -1 game difference, while I have 0… And you call me with this word, how dare are you? XD

  5. #5
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    Quote Originally Posted by MC Shtil View Post
    @Sardon , should we extend the deadline or cancel the battle? Because today is the final day and you haven’t even checked
    Please, had a busy weekend. I'm free to write tonight.

  6. #6 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    @Sardon ^^

  7. #7
    Let. Him. Cook! MC Shtil's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    Aight, let’s make ‘til tommorow

  8. #8
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    "Feudal Negotiations"

    Dont buy the propaganda of their penny press
    because I am a tool for the government
    and I'm loving it, but I'm covered in a bloody mess
    As I shovel shit at my expense for their politics....
    the pension is my life, so fuck it, I call it quits...

    first verse:

    Sitting in the war room, lives are bartered away
    Harder to say in public light then in the dark of the shade
    Placed into eternal sleep, their carving our names
    Stars and Stripes, only equal martyrs and graves
    On the exact pillar of shame, that WE fought to protect
    Stomping our necks, carving our flesh, just stop to reflect
    As we, march to our deaths you've lost our respect
    afterall, it's costing me cells... while it's costing you CENTS
    Can I?...Bargain my life for a bond with a flat rate?
    Or am I just a pawn in your game when the bombs aim?
    I dedicate my life to the medals I wear
    And i dedicate my life to the honor I share
    With my brothers in arms, who will happily trade
    Their actual arms and the tragic remains

  9. #9
    Let. Him. Cook! MC Shtil's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon

    Yo, a samurai, blade drawn, spite in my heart,
    World's against me, but I’m rippin’ it apart,
    People talkin’ shit, like I’m just a ghost,
    But even if I’m it, I’m the freakin’ host.

    Enemies lurkin’, shadows in the night,
    Tryna take me down, but I’m ready for a fight,
    Battle scars on my armor, the pain is real,
    I’ll fight to ‘til I die, man, that’s my deal.

    Sadness creeping in, yeah, I’m feelin’ very low,
    Lost some close friends on the road, they were very bold,
    Tears in my eyes, because to accomplish the missión
    Those who I know would give they heart on, miss y’all

    So what you’ll do to me now? Should I give you a guide?
    I’m a lone wolf howlin’ at the pale moonlight,
    But I still ‘ve got my friends somewhere there in my heart,
    So you’ll never knock me down, I swear to god.

  10. #10

    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    cool battle. i like this kind of topical cuz i get bored reading 600 lines describing a cat looking at a wall clock.

    Vote - Sardon

    i liked the angle of a soldier/samurai reflecting on their life and how war is just a rich man’s game using others as board pieces. very accurate. relatable for someone who’s been there. cuz in the end it really does boil down to fuck the system, i’m in it for my brothers.

    Shtil had a good read too. i liked how direct it was. had some good imagery throughout.

    what lead to my decision was the introspective nature of Sardon’s verse. added layers to the theme & gave the verse more depth, while Shtil’s was more to the point and straight forward, which isn’t a bad thing at all, just the other verse had more layers.

    good read gents. nice to see something other than diss bars for once.


  11. #11
    The Demon MV's Avatar
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    Re: MC Shtil vs Sardon (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    this was an interesting battle. im assuming its a topical of sorts. yall definitely didnt go 32 lines tho lol. since this isnt a typical battle ill express by vote instead of going bar by bar. I feel Sardon was the stronger writer here. he had some pretty nice multies and ententres through-out his piece. however this line
    " As we, march to our deaths you've lost our respect
    afterall, it's costing me cells... while it's costing you CENTS"
    stood out to me in this battle. it was significantly emotion-evoking. i wish the battle was a bit longer so i could see a bit more of your styles but as is, I prefer Sardon as MC Shtil was a little bit too shallow in meaning with his verse.


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