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Thread: Maiming Magdelene (Warning: Sick and disgusting content. You KNOW you wanna read.)

  1. #1
    Banned Civilized Rebel's Avatar
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    Battle Record

    Talking Maiming Magdelene (Warning: Sick and disgusting content. You KNOW you wanna read.)

    Y'know I've noticed that there is a lot of new folk around this board. Or as the L337 would say "t|-|3r3 b3 4 |_0t 0f n00b5 huh huh huh" Whats up with that? Or as I would say while trying to intigrate the japanese word for horse radish into the common american tongue, "Wasabe with that?".

    Um... I'll just get this over with. Maiming Magdelene. Old peice I did quite a while ago, but I've done a ton of touch ups to it. I think I got it the way I want. Not quite as subtle as I would like though. Love peace chicken grease.

    Maiming Magdalene

    Like fine wine you had to wait some time
    For her I had to wait before I made her mine
    Checked the obituarys
    Amazing what the paper carrys
    People dying all the time
    But that's just fine
    I care more about the paper no longer costing a dime
    Then it hit me like a shout or scream
    A woman died... named Magdalene
    I remember her; she was such a dream
    Oh how she was so ill fated
    Who am I kidding? It was me she hated
    I guess I wasn't good enough for her
    No sir! She was a material girl
    Time for her to pay her pennance
    And time for me to get my vengence

    After her funeral rites
    After the darkness covers the lights
    I'm thinking she can never put up a fight
    Out of sight out of mind
    The way she treated me was never too kind
    Then again, love is blind
    Oh the wonders of her corpse I shall find
    Together we shall bind
    For sure, love is dead

    Grab my shovel and start to dig
    Farewells I bid and dig dig dig
    Dig dig dig till I open up her lid
    What's that you said?
    That's right NOTHING BITCH! Because you dead
    Using my favorite knife and severing your head
    Removing your pants at the same time I rant
    You used to treat me like an outcast
    But now is the time for you to spread your legs fast
    I warned you that your life would not last

    Tongue licking tittie
    So frozen what a pity
    Now it's time to get nitty gritty
    I aint trying to be rude
    We gotta strip to the nude
    I look you over one more time
    And now the time to make you mine
    Use your severed tongue licking my dick
    Lick lick lick you dumb blonde bitch
    Turn you over now it's doggy style
    Right in the ass where things be so vile
    All the while I'm thinking of your hate
    Imagining you being dead and raped
    Your leg fell off? I'll get that duct taped
    Fuck fate
    You're my bitch now
    In my head running around
    Imagining the ways you could get shot down
    Pound I pound in your ass so smooth
    Love making never had this hatefilled groove
    It feels great not having you move

    Magdalene I hate you

    But your hatred towards me is all in the past
    Hump fast hump fast my load I blast
    Your villinous ways treating me like piss
    Are over and I bet you never thought of this
    Your lips are cold to the kiss
    Would I be so bold as to assume you can take my fist
    It aint like it would hurt if I removed your mandible
    Experiment on what your body can handle
    Upon your skin burns wax from the candle
    Tie you up to the casket
    I start using my whip
    The joy of your death
    How times like these I praise Lord Seth
    No pain threshold so I put your arms around me and fold
    It seems I am so bold
    To be fucking in the cold
    Over and over till your skin rots off
    Lover my lover both our souls have been lost

    I remember you; you were such a dream
    Now that your dead, I'm maiming Magdalene

  2. #2
    you kno every time i come on this bored i see ppl from way back being slept on.......i see teh mod not doing her job........i see ppl like you with awesome poetry that is just left to rought........i see newbies froliking in big headed im so ill land..........and that is why i very rarely visit this board.......***...***....***.....*** teh mod there and the poetry room is up to par and this kinda iah doesnt happen i rember you from way before you got band........i rember your wise ass comments........and i rember your from am i.......
    this peice is very well put together...........and im not gonna qoute any part cuz frankyl i just want to keep it whole........very nice peice necro.........please come check out ***,........and post this peice there.........much luh HAZY
    Last edited by [*¤ÐîMêØñФ* ]; July 11th, 2002 at 12:11 PM

  3. #3
    [*¤ÐîMêØñФ* ]
    Tsk Tisk ^
    Fo` ur information i been in hospital
    after bein jumped / fight ... i think my health
    is more important then this inet bullshit!!

    This poem flowed well,
    sorru i havent been round to peep ur ish,
    but u know i respect u and ur talent!

    Much Love
    xXx DiMe

  4. #4
    Certified Like A COW Varentao's Avatar
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    A thick pool of coconut scented cow manure.
    Battle Record
    yes...this was darkly and sick....but is that just how your mindset covers up the deep pain and sorrow that you feel?....people deal with it in different ways...

    ....well i cannot really understand ones mindset over the would be too presumtious...but i felt this on two levels...even though i would think it was the second level that you were really on about....a heart broken...rejected...a soul tore apart....trampled upon...and now ridden with ghosts....turning into anger....stretching the mindset into a dark and sickly extreme......

    ....tis a great piece of poetism on these here scriptures...didnt really have much flaws to it in that sense...

    I'm too secure to have a signature.


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Tru "The Return"
    you already know I luv diss poem like shit so no sense in me tellin you agian...
    it my favorite n the #1 spot forreal this poem is hellava to me...
    hate that I aint in it but it my fav out of all 50 somthine of mine and bout all 1000+ I've read...
    props props props wish I coulda been in it... sniffs*

    But tell dem chicks you already at a hella board thnkx to yo baby Tru

    stay up boo
    ~1~ Luv

  7. #7
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Damn this poem is creative and sick. A poem about necrophilia, talk about original. Everything flowed well even though the lines weren't even, I strive to achieve that. I didn't see any undertones, just creativity and lots of it. It was sick, but hell, it kept me reading the whole way through. This a truly great piece, sick, demented, incredible.
    murder murder

  8. #8
    You've Earned a Custom Title! Twizted Ayngel's Avatar
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    Of course one of the most disturbing poems I've ever read, and I enjoyed every word of it. I can't even sum this up into words. I'm not quite sure how to put it into words I guess. I enjoyed reading this - one of those things you're kind of worried about enjoying reading. It flowed well, thats a plus. The vocabulary was also good. Man, I dont even know what to say about this. I'm speechless.

    Great job though.
    <center>RIP - 7.18.O2..7.19.O2..7.22.O2
    7.24.O4 ... 11.o8.o4
    Forever in my heart.

  9. #9
    OG Poet, er some shit.
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    Eh. Kinda freaks me out. Great job man ill drop a honest critic tomorrow its too late. Glad to see angel back too. Been gone awhile.
    Po'Ethics - Est. 2004

  10. #10
    Banned Civilized Rebel's Avatar
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    Why does this thread exist?

    If it weren't for Tru being in it, and if not for Tru liking it as much as she does, I'd ask for this thread to be deleted.

    Damn, someones done more digging to find this then I do to find my dates. BWAHAHAHA!!! Ah... uh... sorry, not funny.

    Seriously, this is shit, don't read it don't reply just let it fucking die. Like varentao's poem about the banana. Sigh... that phallicle banana... good times.

  11. #11
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Battle Record
    Sorry man, I was looking through all your old poems and I liked this.

    I apologize.
    murder murder

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